Category: Events and Festivals

  • Umami Burger’s Tasting Menu

    Umami Burger’s Tasting Menu

    Last month, I was invited to try Umami Burger‘s 9-Course Tasting Menu challenge!  I gathered up three poker buddies and descended on Umami’s Hollywood location on a cloudy Saturday afternoon.  Two and a half hours later, we had worked our way through 3 appetizers, 8 burgers, 3 full-sized cocktails, and 2 small pours each of […]

  • Taco Madness 2015

    Taco Madness 2015

    L.A. Taco‘s “Taco Madness 2015” took place on Sunday.  Unlike the previous two years’ events, which took place at Grand Park and had free admission, this year’s was held at Villains Tavern in the Arts District in Downtown Los Angeles and you were required to buy a ticket to attend.  Tickets cost $10 and included […]

  • COCHON 555 Los Angeles 2015

    COCHON 555 Los Angeles 2015

    This past weekend, COCHON 555 descended on the Viceroy hotel in Santa Monica for its 2015 Los Angeles competition, pitting 5 chefs with 5 whole heritage pigs against each other.  The prize was the title of Prince of Porc and to move on to the Grand Cochon competition in Aspen, Colorado, where the winning chefs […]

  • L.A. Weekly The Essentials 2015

    L.A. Weekly The Essentials 2015

    L.A. Weekly‘s “The Essentials” event took place this past weekend at the California Market Center in Downtown Los Angeles, the same week that their 99 Essential Restaurants 2015 list was released.  This was just the second “Essentials” events, with the inaugural one just last year after a break in 2013, coming off of four years […]

  • Tastemade Bite Club: Mardi Gras

    Tastemade Bite Club: Mardi Gras

    The first rule of Bite Club, you do talk about Bite Club! Okay, now that I’ve gotten that obligatory bad joke (dad joke?) out of the way–I promise, only one more joke/pun in this piece–let’s talk about Tastemade‘s #BiteClub Mardi Gras event last week.  Tastemade had been on my radar for a while, but not […]